Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moving Right Along

It's crazy how fast time moves, and things change.

Technology is constantly updating, advancing, and altering.

It's hard to keep up with, it really is.

The minute you miss something, it feels like your centuries behind.

I just hope that by the time I am a teacher, the technology hasn't changed so drastically that I am again, an alien to the current social media.

What does the future hold?!

Will we have publishing buttons right on our bodies?

Will we think something, and bam... its on Twitter?

Will we get in little jetson like air crafts, and fly home?

Will we have computers right in our brains?

The Possibilities...

I do hope that I get to see some more impressive technology advances before I am dead though.

If I do pass away, I would like to note my ideal casket:

Solid bronze with white cotton sheets, 2 pillows, and I would want it to be fluffy and soft. It would need a heater too, because I am always cold, so I'd be even colder then.

That seems random.

I am just saying that time is moving quickly, and we need to be ready for future America.

Keep up on the latest updates to your favorite social media.

Technology changes every day. Today there is facebook...
tommorrow who knows what applications will be available to us.
Don't let your time run out...

Explore the internet, you have all kinds of teaching tools right at your finger tips.