Friday, November 13, 2009

IPods And Podcasts In The Classroom? (By Mary Hall)

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It is obvious that there is so much technology is available in the world of education. With the mass amount of  technology, it never occured to me that the iPod would be one of them. Using an iPod students can listen to or watch a podcast of a lecture that they may have missed or wanted to watch again.

This got me thinking,"what is a podcast?" A podcast is a video, or audio file that can be downloaded to an iPod through a subscribtion to a site like iTunes, or anyother site that supports podcasts. In order to create a podcast there is certain technology that is needed. For the student to recieve a podcast they need specific technology as well. The individual needs a computer, internet access, and an iPod to recieve the podcast.

IPods and Podcasts are being used in the elementary schools, highschools, and college settings. In the elementary school and highschool. students can play games, listen to books, and learn a language by having access to iPods and Podcasts in class. With the use of  podcasts the idea of distance learning in college can be made possible. Podcasting a lecture to an iPod allows the individual to watch or listen to the lecture on the go, and at their own pace.  

It is my feeling that using iPods and Podcasts in the classroom is very beneficial, and I say go for it!

So, the next time you see someone listening to their iPod, they may be listening to a Podcast.  

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