Sunday, November 1, 2009

Top Ten Things I Hate About MySpace

1) People who post pictures of themselves with their hands making gang signs.  Is everyone using MySpace in a gang?  Ha...I highly doubt it.

2) People who post pictures of themselves half naked. Get your own porn site. MySpace wasn't intended for naked photos.

3) Professionals who use MySpace in a non-professional manner. If you are a professional, act that way!

4) I ALSo Hate PeOple WhO TyPe LiKe ThiS. WhY are WE usInG CaPs RaNdomlY?

5) People who use fake photos. We know you aren't Justin Timberlake, so take that photo down.

6) People who have 10,000 friends on their page. Is there really any way possible that one person knows all those people? YEah RiGht.

7) People I don't know who send me friend requests.

8) People who put suicide notes and sad thoughts on their updates for attention. Get a diary.

9) Fighting through comments about top friends. Who cares if you are friend #34, does the number ranking you have on MySpace really define you as a person?

And last, but not least...

10) When people use group photos as their profile picture. If I don't know which one you are in the photo, I am not going to accept you as my friend.

1 comment:

  1. I like #10 the most, although gang member signs get on my nerves. But don't tell the real gang members I said that.
