Monday, November 16, 2009

What Happened To Pen And Paper?

Good Morning. I'm back! I hope you all enjoyed hearing from Mary Hall. I think she brought some great points to the blog about using technology in the classroom...

Since I'm returning and in a fresh state of mind, I am going to change it up a little bit.

The truth is that a small portion of me absolutely hates the idea of using technology in classrooms. In fact, for a really long time, I didn't even have an internet connection. So, for the most part I am outdated when it comes to the newest technology.

Part of the reason I started this blog, was to help people like me try and figure out all the madness on the web, and how as a future teacher, I am going to try and keep up with it all so that I can relate to my future students.

In reality though, I am old school. I don't see anything wrong with paper and pencil. In fact, I almost get irritated sometimes that you can't hand in a final copy in school anymore that has been written neatly in pen like when I was in school.

Let's face it, in today's schools; if it isn't's not going to be accepted.

Yet, famous writers like Shakespeare wrote everything with a damn quill pen and an ink blot. There were no fancy fonts and printers to pick from then. Look how far he made it!

If you look back in time, people didn't depend on things like video games and electronic devices for entertainment...they had what I would consider real hobbies. For example, reading and writing. Writing on paper, not a computer screen. However, now as a future teacher I have to consider actually using video games in my classroom!

Honestly, I think hand written work is more personal. Hand writing is a personal art to me. I think that handwriting should be important in schools. If only I could find a college professor that would accept hand written work...but that isn't going to happen.

Unfortunately, as much as I hate technology and trying to figure out all its many components, the reality of the situation is that today's classrooms use these things and I have to learn them, whether I really like them or not...

I guess part of being a teacher is caring more about how your students learn than how you do.

On that note, I will continue to deliver data, and the multiple uses for technology in the classroom. I think it really will help me as well as other future teachers.

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